DMU Livestreams

During lock down DMU have transitioned to giving advice to potential students and hosting events online via live streams. As my role as a student ambassador I signed up to help present on some of these about topics from advice for clearing to what the student experience at University is like. This has meant I’ve been able to continue to help the university and advice students about what DMU is like.

Presenting a live stream is different to other kinds of presenting that I’ve done as it’s more casual since we were responding to live comments. I think this has helped me improve my confidence and helped me adjust to new environments and ways of working which will definitely help me in the future.

Not only have I participated in live streams but I have also been able to host some about specific subject areas. This involved me introducing the academics and students, explaining what the following stream would be about and making sure the different segments linked well. I would keep an eye on the questions we had coming in so I could ask the appropriate questions to the right guests. When we got questions that the guests couldn’t answer I would direct the audience to somewhere they could find the information required or suggest they used our UniBuddy system to ask current students opinions on the matter.

Although it isn’t how I expected to end my role as a student ambassador I was able to transition quickly and have loved the experience.

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